Southeast seventh-day adventist church Cleveland, OH
My Sister’s Keeper Part II: The Woman, The Priest, The Prophet
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woman priest prophet elder hoodOn 4/10/21, Elder Alisa Hood presented The Woman, the Priest, the Prophet, the second installation in the month-long sermon series, “My Sister’s Keeper.” This series examines the intricate relationships of women in the bible and is a tag team preaching effort featuring Elder Hood and her husband, Senior Pastor Stan Hood.


Taken from the book of I Samuel 4:1-22, this powerful message focused on the lives of Hannah, Peninnah, Elkanah, Eli and Samuel. An historical overview of I Samuel 1:2-2:21 provided the back story of the tensions in the house of Elkanah between his two wives, Hannah and Penninah.


Elder Hood beautifully weaved the story of the pain and cruelty that existed between the two women. Through humor, Elder Hood created a scenario where she would have been tempted to give Peninnah what a bully “deserves,” by taking matters into her own hands instead of following Hannah’s example.


After enduring the taunts of Penninah for so long, Hanna finally reached the breaking point. The bible says that at that point (I Sam.1:9), “Hanna stood up and went to pray.” Her resolve was not to repay her sister in kind, but to take her anguish to God, who answered her cries and blessed her with Samuel. Elder Hood stated that, “Hanna allowed herself to be beautifully broken.”


michell holding tea cupThe beautiful message of My Sister’s Keeper flowed into the evening program, “Broken Crayons Still Color.” Facilitated by Colleen Michell and presented by Southeast Women’s Ministry, this program provided an open forum to honestly discuss what is involved in being our sister/brother’s keeper. The discussion touched on the fears, vulnerabilities, trust issues and insecurities that prevent us from extending our authentic selves to each other.


According to Colleen Michell, “we beat up on ourselves and each other.” Sis. Michell reminded the group that “hurt people, hurt people.” She pointed out that Peninnah herself was broken, “so her lashing out was her brokenness.”


Elder Darrel Carter called in to remind the group that brokenness and vulnerability impact males, as well. He stated that, “Men don’t want to look vulnerable and broken in front of other men.” Pastor Stan Hood stated that the “one gift we can all share is reconciliation.”


Colleen Michell stated that in “uncomfortable seasons, we as sisters can pull together. In soul-breaking seasons, sisterhoods can be formed.” Just as Hanna prayed, we should trust our process. “Color with your broken crayons and let God create a masterpiece.”


--Cecily Bryant, Communications Leader

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16602 Tarkington Ave.
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