Southeast seventh-day adventist church Cleveland, OH
Old Time Religion
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article 13/13/21--Senior Pastor Stan Hood and Southeast SDA experienced a day of high praise and spiritual celebration arising from a powerful message and an anointed baptism.


Southeast welcomed Pastor Victor Waller and Park Street SDA Church (Oberlin, OH) as special guests today, at its second service. As the pandemic shows signs of diminishing, more worshippers desire to praise in the sanctuary and to accommodate this, a second service has been added.


Pastor Hood preached “Old Time Religion,” the second sermon in the series, “Bring Back the Glory.” Taken from Ephesians 3:14-15, Isaiah 9:2 and Rev. 12:17, these texts give the biblical definition of old-time religion, “I was lost, but now I’m found.” Pastor Hood described how “church has become a meeting with technology.” This is not a bad thing, but in keeping with the true definition of old-time religion, “church should still go on when the camera is off.” New religion, according to Pastor Hood sounds like, “I just want to be comfortable,” when old time religion should feel like, “I need a savior.” In old time religion, “people come in expecting God to do something.”


In an historical roll call, Pastor Hood spoke about the contribution of those men who were committed to old time religion—Peter Waldo, John Wyclif, John Huss and Martin Luther. Pastor Hood also reminded the church about the old-fashioned tent efforts where the main objective was the Great Commission, “Sharing the good news that Jesus saves.”


Pastor Hood shared a story about preaching through a storm in a tent effort he facilitated in Africa. Upon hearing the Word, people starting coming out their houses, desiring baptism. So many people wanted to baptized they had to find a swimming pool. What did Pastor Hood preach that made the people come out of their houses? “There is power in the name of Jesus.”


At the end of today’s sermon, Dr. Victor Waller, Pastor, Park Street SDA Church, Stan & Phyllis Thomas, Annie Mae Kelly-Johnson, Louise Fredericks and Regina Adams (Southeast) all made decisions to publicly re-dedicate their lives to Christ and were baptized. In a nod to Pastor Hood’s sermon, Pastor Waller stated, “Old time religion takes over your whole being—body, mind and spirit.”


Pastor Waller shared his thoughts on his rebaptism, “I am being baptized because I need to be baptized as a testimony to others God is speaking to. This is no time to play church—let’s be real.”


Annie Kelly-Johnson summed up the day best when she stated, “He heard my prayer. I am saved and ready when Jesus comes.” Old-time religion.


--Cecily Bryant

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Prayer Time Wednesday, May 8 @ 6:45 PM
Bible Study Wednesday, May 8 @ 7:30 PM
Blessing of the Day Thursday, May 9 @ 7:50 AM

Southeast Seventh-Day
Adventist Church

16602 Tarkington Ave.
Cleveland OH 44128

Office: (216) 662-3080

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9:00 am Power Hour
10:00 am Sabbath School (Bible Study)
11:30 am Divine Worship Service

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