Southeast seventh-day adventist church Cleveland, OH
So Blessed to Serve
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jerome hurstHello Family,


One of the greatest blessings in life is the blessing of serving. Learning how to fully and freely serve God and others is truly one of the most important lessons of the Christian life. Sadly, far too many believers have yet to learn the true blessing of a life of service. This is why the work of the Christian church is largely done by about 20% of its members. Most people like to show up when the work is done and enjoy the fruits of others' labor. This normally doesn't bother the true servant, for those who love to serve are just grateful for the opportunity. But the problem with that is...we could do so much more, if more of us could see the vision that God has placed before us and surrender ourselves in service.


I am always looking for another way and another opportunity to serve God and God's people. There is a common phrase that I think says it best; "Service is the price you pay for the space you occupy." The Bible says that a person who will not work should not eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10). With this knowledge, I cannot imagine why anyone would shy away from service. It is truly a blessing to the one who serves and helps to uplift those being served. Service is a win-win for all involved.


So, how about you...are you doing all that you can to uplift, encourage and support others? "Is your all on the altar" in service to God? These are the questions which only you can truly answer and your answers will be the true measure of your commitment to God, God's church and God's people.


So blessed to serve,


Pastor Jerome M. Hurst

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Bible Study Wednesday, May 8 @ 7:30 PM
Blessing of the Day Thursday, May 9 @ 7:50 AM
Blessing of the Day Friday, May 10 @ 7:50 AM

Southeast Seventh-Day
Adventist Church

16602 Tarkington Ave.
Cleveland OH 44128

Office: (216) 662-3080

Saturday Schedule
9:00 am Power Hour
10:00 am Sabbath School (Bible Study)
11:30 am Divine Worship Service

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