Southeast seventh-day adventist church Cleveland, OH
Basking in the Overflow
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jerome hurstGood Day Family,


Today, as we stand with the celebration of Easter as the backdrop of our lives, we should find ourselves living in the overflow of God's enormous blessings. We have rejoiced in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have viewed the empty tomb, once again and have wept and rejoiced with Mary, as she met the Lord in the garden. Now we must look what is before us and ask ourselves the question...what's next? This is a question that believers should always ask themselves at every significant juncture in the journey. What comes next after the great celebration of Easter? What comes next after we complete that major project or finish that assignment? What comes next after we get married or divorced or after we retire? This is the most important question that we must ask of God, as we look forward to the future.


One of the very important things to always remember about asking a question is to wait...and listen for the answer. Often, we ask questions, but never wait to hear the answer. Instead, we go on to do what we think we should do, or to act on the answer that we want to hear, rather than waiting to hear from God. Why do we do this? Perhaps because of impatience. Perhaps we do it because we are so self-willed. In many cases, however, we do what we want to do because of a lack of faith. We want what we want now. We want an answer now. We want a direction in which to move now. We really don't believe that God will answer and if God does, we don't think that we will like God's answer or God's direction. 


What I want to suggest to you today, is to slow down in this Eastertide season and to bask in the overflow for a moment. I know that our inclination is to see what's next, but just like Christmas, Easter is not just a day, it is a season. It is a time to rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord. It is a time to enjoy the overflow of the blessings that God has showered upon us, as a result of our Lenten and Holy Week journeys. My prayer for you today, is that you will spend a season in the overflow of God's amazing love and take the time to listen for God's guidance and what is next in your life with Christ.


-- Pastor J. M. Hurst

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Prayer Time Wednesday, May 8 @ 6:45 PM
Bible Study Wednesday, May 8 @ 7:30 PM
Blessing of the Day Thursday, May 9 @ 7:50 AM
Blessing of the Day Friday, May 10 @ 7:50 AM

Southeast Seventh-Day
Adventist Church

16602 Tarkington Ave.
Cleveland OH 44128

Office: (216) 662-3080

Saturday Schedule
9:00 am Power Hour
10:00 am Sabbath School (Bible Study)
11:30 am Divine Worship Service

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