Southeast seventh-day adventist church Cleveland, OH
Virtual Installation of Pastor Stan Hood 
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pastor hoodMarch 28, 2020--On this day, Southeast SDA Church members served as virtual witnesses to the virtual installation of its new Senior Pastor, Stan Hood.


Approximately one month ago, when many members and friends of Southeast marked the 28th of March on their calendars as the installation of the new first family, no one could have predicted that the service would be viewed, not from the pews, but on electronic means from our homes. But, as Pastor Marvin Brown,III Vice President, Allegheny West Conference who conducted the service reminded the viewing audience, “these are some unusual times.”


Indeed. These are unusual times. Pastor Brown stated that a “virus has literally brought the world to its knees. We are in our homes, protected, but even though we’re in our homes, we cannot allow the church to come to a standstill.” So even in the midst of COVID-19, the business of church and its commitment to serving humanity continues.


Elder Pamala El-Jamah delivered a powerful prayer of blessing, protection and dedication over Pastor Hood. Flanked by First Elder Richard Russell, Elder Pamala El-Jamah and Pastor Marvin Brown, who officiated, Pastor Stan Hood and his lovely wife, Alisa, were officially installed and welcomed into the Southeast SDA family. After the ceremony, First Elder Richard Russell presented newly installed Pastor Hood with the keys to the church. 


Pastor Brown stated that after this crisis has passed, a more elaborate service will be presented with the opportunity for Pastor Hood and family to meet each and every member. 


Pastor Stan Hood was born and raised in Montgomery, AL and earned a B.A. in Bible and Theology from the Malone University and he minored in Christian theater. 


Prior to coming to Southeast, he served as pastor at Greater New Hope SDA Church (Canton, OH), Hamilton Middletown church (Hamilton and Middletown, OH) and the Danville South Boston Virginia church.


His most recent pastorate was at the Ethnan Temple SDA church (Wilkinsberg, PA).


One of Pastor Hood’s chief areas of expertise is Youth Ministry. He has facilitated youth empowerment seminars around the country and has written over 100 plays and skits. Recently, he authored a brand new book, “How to Overcome Personal Weakness.” According to Pastor Brown, “Pastor Hood is a man of sterling integrity. He is a purpose-driven pastor, a man of honor and vision. He is a leader who believes in the people that he leads.” 


First Lady Alisa Hood is a gifted minister/speaker, as well. Pastor Brown describes her as “gracious as well as grateful.” The couple has four children and the youngest, Micah, joined his parent at the installation ceremony.  


Pastor Stan Hood went on to preach his first sermon at Southeast SDA, a virtual word entitled, “Joy in Strange Places.”


Southeast SDA welcomes Pastor Stan Hood, First Lady Alisa Hood and family!


 --Cecily Bryant, Communications Dept. 


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16602 Tarkington Ave.
Cleveland OH 44128

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